We would like to invite you to our final Raising Aspirations online workshop of the academic year. Adele Gladman will deliver a workshop that looks at ‘Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences and their relevance to Safeguarding’.
A significant number of children (many who are in the care of the local authority, have experienced adverse childhood experiences. Research conducted in the USA and now being replicated in the UK has illustrated the implications for child in terms of development, attainment, behaviour, and long-term consequences. The effects of ACEs are wide ranging, having serious implications for future relationships, health and even life expectancy. The research findings have relevance for any practitioner working with children, especially those who are looked after.
This workshop will explore the research findings, and look at how we can develop and adapt trauma informed practice in order to engage with children who may have experienced adversity in their lives.
This workshop will be aimed at professionals working with children who are looked after, but also be applicable for any adult living with or working with children.
This workshop series offers attendees an opportunity to hear from various experts to discuss ways in which we can work together to encourage participation, achievement and progression in education.