Barton Peveril College is committed to providing a learning environment that is considerate to the circumstances of our care experienced students, supportive in overcoming any barriers to learning but also challenging to ensure all of our students achieve their academic potential.

Transition process
As part of the transition process from school to College, we work closely with the associated virtual schools to identify applicants who are then interviewed and supported through the process by our designated teacher.

Where possible we attend the final Year 11 PEP meeting of applicants to offer guidance on post-16 choices and ensure transition information is clear and understood. This support continues through Taster Days, pre-visits and then Enrolment to make sure that all relevant support is in place for the start of the First Year at College.

We are developing partnerships and pathways for our care-experienced students from local virtual schools through to our excellent local higher education providers whilst also supporting our young people if they choose to explore options further afield.

Financial support
There are two forms of bursary for 16 to 19 year olds that the Government provides via the College. The Guaranteed Bursary is an annual sum of £1,200 paid to care leavers or learners who are looked after by the Local Authority. This is allocated towards travel expenses and then six half termly payments which can be incentivised by attendance and progress if necessary.

There is also a Discretionary Fund that can be used for subject specific materials, contributions towards trips etc as well as funding requests made through virtual colleges and children’s services.

We also signpost to ‘free school meals’ provided by the local authority.

Student support
All students are allocated a Personal Tutor who they see weekly. The allocated Student Progress Advisor, who has a role similar to a year leader, is also the designated teacher in College. This is to ensure continuity of care throughout the process of applying to the College, completing studies and then moving to a positive destination post-College.

In partnership with virtual colleges, we follow a monitoring process that can involve post-16 PEP meetings and regular feedback opportunities, particularly at key moments in the year such as following assessment points.

Pastoral support
The College has a strong ‘Health and Wellbeing’ team that includes a Counselling Team, Nurse and other associated partners that support care-experienced students when necessary. This may include negotiating the impact of trauma or mental health or signposting to other agencies with more nuanced experience and support available.

Careers support
Our careers team can be accessed throughout a student’s time at college and can support students in investigating a range of destinations following the completion of level 3 qualifications. They can also facilitate work experience and provide a range of services supporting UCAS applications, advising on the nuances of progression.

Steve Froud fulfils the role of the college’s designated teacher. Steve is the point of contact for students both prior to enrolment and throughout their time at the College.  You can contact Steve on [email protected] or 02380 367215.


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