
Thinking about going to university? There is a lot to think about, and one of the most important choices is what to study and where. Not sure were to start? Take a quiz to see what course best suits you!

The UCAS website is a fantastic resource and you can use this tool to explore your options.


UCAS have also complied some helpful guides for care experienced students which will assist you in your journey into Higher Education.


Once you have selected Couse and Campus options we recommend visiting for an open day is possible. It is important that you have an opportunity to experience meeting lecturers, student ambassadors and support staff so you can ensure that the environment is a good fit for you. Most universities will have information about their open days on their website. 

Most universities will have an offer for care experienced students, again these can be found on their websites. Another place to look is the Propel website using the link below.

Whilst offers of bursaries are important, we highly recommend that you look at he full offer and take into account your feelings following open days before making any firm decisions. If the course and campus isn't a good fit for you that will impact on your well being and possibly your success in your studies. 

We always say Research Research Research! You can choose up to 5 universities to apply to. Use them all, hopefully you will get 5 offers and you can choose your favourite as your firm choice. 

Once you have made your decisions you need to apply through UCAS. Your current education provider, local widening participation teams in universities, key workers, social workers and foster parents can help you with this process, and don't forget about those handy UCAS guides we linked to above as well. 

Sometimes things don't always go to plan and your results may not match the predicted grades meaning your university of choice is no longer able to offer you a place. This happens to many people and the Clearing process exists to help you find another institution. If you find yourself in this situation, reach out for support. Your current college or 6th form can guide you through the process, and you can also find support from universities. There is also a helpful guide in the below link that can help you understand the process. 

If you need to call and speak to a university we recommend advising them that you are care experienced. This means that they can put support measures in place for you quickly to ease that transition into University- and don't worry, that information is always confidential! 

The complete University Guide- Clearing


University is a wonderful place to study something that you love, have new experiences, meet new people and learn lots of new things. 

Whilst at university it is important that you think about your next steps and start planning towards them. 

You may be interested in further studies. If this is you check out our advice pages on Post graduate Study using the following link. 

Postgraduate Study

You may be thinking about entering the world of work. Your education provider will have a dedicated careers team and we highly recommend interacting with them when you start your course so that you can begin building your CV and work opportunities ready for when you graduate. They can usually provide advice and guidance on:

  • Work Placements
  • Volunteering Opportunities
  • Internships
  • Building your CV
  • Job Applications

You can also look for support outside of your University in the following places: 

  • Volunteering Networks
  • Become/Propel
  • The Rees Foundation
  • Career Matters

We have included links to these and other useful organisations below:

Become/PropelThe Rees FoundationCareer MattersNCVOEaCESAll of Us

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