The turning point for me:
I grew up in an unstable household as a child carer to my mum following her second divorce, I had to overcome a number of obstacles. It was due to this that i began to find my love for reading: more specifically, books by the likes of John Grisham (a fictional law writer) and then Tony Honare. The books I read gave me the idea that I can escape which was encouragement enough. 

I was given extra educational support to try and achieve this and having  come from nothing and be able to  say they want to be a lawyer (when their mother is unemployed) made me feel a sense of pride every time I would say my ambition and be greeted with shock or words or congratulations. 

Law has a reputation that I liked, and I liked the idea that I was going to surpass any expectations that had been set upon me. 

University to me is not just a choice it is a means to an end. I needed university and wanted it to explore what this path means for me and I am so grateful to the Uni of Kent as they offered me a foundation year after not fully getting the grades I needed. 

Photo by Giammarco on Unsplash

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