At the University of Nottingham, we are committed to empowering care experienced and estranged learners.  We offer a variety of additional support, from application through to the completion of your studies. All support offered is completely optional and you can decide to opt in or out at any stage.

Application Stage: 

We provide a named contact to support you at application stage (Blake L) and invite you to a pre-entry meeting with our team if you receive an offer to study with us.  We can reimburse your travel to this meeting and can support you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Starting University: 

We can offer you 365-accommodation and the option to waive the upfront deposit for accommodation booked through our university portal.  We offer a Care Experienced and Estranged Accommodation Bursary, which provides free accommodation in the first year of study for eligible students.  For more information, visit our stronger together accommodation page.
Prior to starting your course, you will be invited to KickStart, a two-day welcome event in September to help you settle in before induction. 
Studying with us:

Once at university, you will have a named contact in the Support and Wellbeing team (Elizabeth Hodgson) who can offer advice and support.   We have recently introduced a Care Experienced and Estranged bursary which is currently up to £2,000 per year of study, and a new guarantor scheme, should you choose to live in private rental accommodation from your second year.  

If you have any questions about the support available to you as a care experienced or estranged student, please contact us via [email protected].  You can view more information about our support on our webpages for care experienced students and estranged students.  

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